Dealing with Burnout

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The past week has been tough. Each day I’ve worked at least 10 hours and my days consist of adding task after task on my To-Do list while barely crossing anything off. All my projects require immense amounts of creativity and I’m definitely running on E, but the work keeps coming. 

I’m burnt out for sure. Lots to do, very little motivation, and zero energy. I’ve been using every free moment I can find trying not to lose it and break down in tears. So for my sanity’s sake, I took a small break from everything that I wasn’t required to do and just tried to survive. Just focus on each day, each task, and each moment. 

It’s now the weekend and I’ve gotten a chance to breathe. I opened my computer and just started writing about how I was feeling, which is what you’ve just read. And honestly, this post has no useful/educational content. I’m just sharing where my head has been for the last several days. 

So to end this post I want to share a quick affirmation for the new week: To take care of others, is to first take care of myself, and I deserve to take care of myself.


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